Government’s Negligence Sparks Renewed Threat of Teacher Union Strike

Some weeks ago, teacher unions declared a strike action against government over the government failing to approve some conditions of service due teachers.

After a week and few days, the government team met the teacher unions and asked them to call off the strike action for official negotiations to begin, which was obeyed by the teacher unions.

The government team have not paid the needed attention to teachers after the strike was called off.

This has led to a back and forth on the negotiation with the government team on the Conditions of Service that need to be granted to teachers.

National Labour Commission gave the teacher unions two weeks to conclude on this matter, since the government team is playing a lackadaisical attitude towards the negotiation, the teacher unions said earlier in an interview that when the government fails to comply to their demands and continue to play around this time, they will advise themselve. In simple terms in the government fails the teacher unions on Tuesday, I am hopeful an indefinite strike action and demonstration may follow.

Many were the conditions of service sent to the government team for approval but have been compressed to four major items which the teacher unions are failing to address it to teachers.

Below are the current demand or allowances from the teacher unions;

1. Deprived Area Allowance.

2. CPD

3. Extra duty/Assessment allowance.

4. Data & Online teaching allowance.

Mr. Adokwi Ayikwei Awulley, the Communications Director said this in an interview with TV3, ” It is the benefit of the government to ensure that this meeting goes on ans ends on time because it would not be very good when schools reopens and then nothing vood have come out of this negotiation, since we have promised that we will do all that it takes in our power to ensure that we get what we are suppose to get as Ghanaian teachers” .

Another strike action is looming if the government doesnt respond rapidly and timely to the demand sof the teachers unions.

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