Download soft copies of the various textbooks.

August 2023 marked exactly five(5) years the then minister of Education, Hon Matthew Opoku Prempeh together with his then deputy who is now the minister for Education. Hon Yaw Adutwum changed the previous curriculum.
Primary schools teachers attended workshop to get enough skills and knowledge to handle the new curriculum but it has being four(4) years no textbook to handle the subject. Most teachers have to always visit the internet to gather information for the pupils.

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In January,2022 the instructors for Junior High School nationwide attended a three(3) days workshop to equip them with skills and techniques to handle their respective subjects.
Teachers in the Junior High schools have not yet received materials to help them deliver to the pupils. Most teachers in the junior high schools mostly visit the internet to solicit for information to teach the pupils, in view of this teachers in the deprived commdunity where network is lacking finds it extremely difficult to gather information to teach their pupils.
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The minister for Education, Hon Yaw Adu Twum ones made it clear that, they(the ministry together with the responsible publication) are working tirelessly on the textbook to help ease teaching and learning. As we wait for the textbooks promised by the minister, visit here to download all the soft copies for the various textbooks from Kg  to BS 7.

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Teachers have to cry no more over delayed textbooks, you can download the soft copies on your tablet, mobile phone and on your computer. Teachers in deprived communities will worry no more over poor internet connections to visit sites for information to enhance teaching and learning.

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