Promotion is very essential and relevant in every aspect of our lives. Primary pupils needs promotion to move on to the next class, likewise a junior High Schools (JHS) 2 student also want to be promoted to form three, which the student is likely to become a BECE candidate.

Promotions defer per the institution one finds himself or herself in. Promotions are automatic in some sectors, in this case the employees are promoted per how productive and some factors best known to the employer, without undertaking any text or examination. In the other hand, some sectors also have a guided rules towards how they promote their employees.

Some employers set up every three years to promote their employees, others set from four to six years in other to promote their employees, after an employee has waited for this number of years to be promoted. they(employer) sometimes refuses to promote them with some excuses best known to them which sometimes hurts and worries so much.

Ebentrends has organized some samples of questions and answers for candidates who are about to undertake their promotional examination.

Below are some samples of the questions and answers


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