Australia Awards scholarships 2025

Australia Awards Scholarships 2025:
Host Country:
Administered By:
•These scholarships for developing countries are funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government
Host Universities:
•Australian Catholic University
•Aviation Australia
•Bond University
•Box Hill Institute TAFE
•Bureau of Meteorology
•Canberra Institute of Technology
•Carnegie Mellon University
•Central Queensland University
•Charles Darwin University
•Charles Sturt University
•Chisholm Institute of TAFE
•Curtin University of Technology
•Deakin University
•Edith Cowan University
•Federation University
•Flinders University
•Griffith University
•Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
•James Cook University
•Kangan Institute
•La Trobe University
•Macquarie University
•Melbourne Polytechnic
•Monash University
•Murdoch University
•Queensland University of
•RMIT University
•Southern Cross University
•Swinburne University of Technology
•TAFE Queensland
•Tasmanian Polytechnic
•The Australian National University
•The Gordon Institute of TAFE
•The University of Adelaide
•The University of Melbourne
•The University of New England
•The University of New South Wales (including ADFA)
•The University of Newcastle
•The University of Queensland
•The University of Sydney
•The University of Western Australia
•University College London
•University of Canberra
•University of South Australia
•Victoria University
•Western Sydney University
•University of Southern Queensland
•The University of Tasmania (including
•The Australian Maritime College)
•The University of Technology Sydney
•University of the Sunshine Coast
•University of Wollongong
•William Angliss Institute of TAFE

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